Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Pay to blog websites

Now that you understand how to create revenue from your own websites and blogs from simply being active and placing adds around your pages, we can now move onto another important way to make money online.
These days everyone wants to know what YOU think. People trust other peoples reviews and opinions over a company opinion. If i were to search for say apple ipods, of course i would see the company's review on the product and how awesome it is, and how many features the ipod has and how its revolutionizing technology with its playback technology, anti skip and sound quality. But of course they wont speak negatively about their own product! Thats where you come in.
Companies know that if someone else puts their opinion on the website that it will be more likely to attract a higher trust level by you. because they aren't getting paid to review the product or type something great about it.

These days those people are getting paid. But not by the company who owns the product. You see, if you write a blog for a company about their product or maybe even an article for their website or online newspaper then you can easily earn revenue.
The following websites can earn you money by simply signing up and writing about basically anything you wish!

Triond- This website is great you can publish almost anything and give your thoughts on particular topics of interest to you or even a great story or opinion you have. The pay isn't awesome but if you keep active and post regularly than you can certainly make yourself a neat 2nd income.

Helium- This is a great site also. Much like triond, you can type about current affairs and topics of interest and articles that you think someone else could benefit from. There is also a great feature called the marketplace where people who want an article written about a particular product or topic , will advertise for someone to write it for them and they will display how much they are willing to pay for it. This amount varies with the topic and amount of words but usually around $25-$200. Now thats a great way to earn money by writing a few hundred words! is another great way to make money by blogging. Although you need to have a blog account that is older than 30 days and with 10 active posts already. This is to prevent spammers from signing up so it should pay a little better.

Now make sure you link your articles and blog posts to places such as,, and among many more. These places help link articles with poeple which means more clicks to your posts and more revenue for you!

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