Friday, February 29, 2008

First Step, Search Engines!

Believe it or not there is a simple and easy way to make money online. The method you chose will determine how much you will make in a certain amount of time. Ignore the get rich quick schemes and the "pay to earn millions" websites, they are nothing more than scams and worthless information that you could easily access on google.
These days advertisers rely on a larger volume of people to promote their websites and stores. As most business is conducted online these days, its seems to make a lot more sense that they should do their advertising online too. The internet has proven a very popular place to be, everyone is moving online to join the rest of their peers, just try searching for a popular social networking site like myspace or facebook to see what i mean. As a result of the quite sudden move, advertisers are not only in need of a place to advertise, but they need people to move their name around the internet for them. This is where you come in! 
Blogs are much like an epidemic. Everyone has seen them and everyone is catching the trend.  Most of the people who browse online these days, whether it be for cars or for shopping online or for celebrity goss, will come across someone's blogs.  The reason being is this, search engines such as yahoo and google (and plenty more) search for keywords in documents, those google spiders love to eat up words in text rich documents such as blogs. Once these google spiders find enough keyword in a document to match what your searching for they will point those sites higher up on the list for you to find. Only problem with this is that websites are not created equally. 
If for instance, a website is made with flash, it is a lot harder for those spiders to find the text in the flash files, they may need to look behind the flash to find keywords, and this can make finding a particular site made with flash very very difficult. A perfect example is this; have you ever searched for something you thought was pretty straight forward, only to find that your search results wielded nothing of relevance but a bunch of worthless pages that just happened to have keywords that you used? This is thankfully happening  less and less, little by little. These nonsense web pages are nothing more than a trick web masters play on search engines to boost their search engine optimization (SEO).( I will explain a little more about SEO in my next post). 
Basically what people do to boost their search engine rankings is this; they will make a web page file and paste countless keywords and meta tags. A meta tag is basically a keyword that the spiders are most attracted to, to give off an introduction as to what your website content will contain. So the more keywords on a single page, the more text rich the document is and the more a search engine will find it and push it to the top of search results. 
Now while you may think this is a great idea, and it is, it is highly annoying for those looking for specific keywords, and it is also very much frowned upon by most search engines, google included. If you are caught out (and thousands of web pages are being caught as you read this) you will be dropped from the search engine and banned. This means your site will be lying dead and traffic deprived with millions of other web pages that implemented the same SEO system.
So how can you enhance the traffic flow to your website or blog? and yes this means more revenue for your business or your pay per add clicks. (More in next post)